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6 Questions to Reflect on Your Leadership This Spring

By March 20, 2014May 17th, 2017One Comment


Happy first day of spring!

Below are six questions based on Rockwood’s six practices to help you reflect on how you want your leadership to grow this spring:

1. How is your Purpose (the principles which give your life meaning) calling you this spring?

2. What is your Vision (a clear and compelling picture of your desired future) for this spring?

3. How do you want to enhance your Performance (your capacity to produce results that further your vision) this spring?

4. How will you grow your Resilience (the ability to shift from reactivity to a state of resourcefulness in moments of stress and crisis) this spring?

5. What Partnerships (strong interdependent relationships that advance your vision) do you want to create this spring?

6. How will you nurture your Personal Ecology (maintaining balance, pacing, and efficiency to sustain your energy over a lifetime of activism) this spring?

We’d love to hear your reflections in the comments of this post, on Facebook, Google +, Twitter or via email.


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