Leadership Now: Ohio Nomination Criteria
The ideal candidates for Rockwood’s Leadership Now: Ohio Fellowship:
- Are diverse in terms of race and ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, organizational strategy, community/network strategy, change strategy, and issue focus;
- Are currently or primed to be ‘key influencers’ who are positioned to demonstrate new and innovative ways to lead and work together;
- Are committed to building partnership and collaboration within the state of Ohio, across sectors, issue areas, political and organizing orientation, and background;
- Possess a personal and professional readiness to learn new leadership skills; and
- Commit to full participation in the program, including attendance at all three retreats, completing required pre-work, and engaging in coaching.
Nominate a Leader
To nominate a leader for the 2019 fellowship, please complete the nomination survey. You will be asked to include the name, title, organization, email address, and a brief description of how the person meets the program’s criteria.
Nominations are due by 5:00 pm PT, Friday, February 15, 2019. Rockwood will select applicants from the nomination pool to be invited to submit an application. Select applicants will be invited to participate in a phone interview. Twenty-four leaders will be accepted.