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Rockwood Fellows Leading & Learning

By May 6, 2013No Comments

2010_04_05_AofCL_HRNSR Fellowship In 2012, six years after launching the first fellowship, we imagined it was time to evaluate the model.  Rockwood Leadership Institute’s Fellowship Model was developed in 2006 in partnership with the Ford Foundation, with the first program focusing in the media policy sector.

The Fellowship Model was designed to address challenges to collaboration, like competition over resources and struggles over different strategies, by convening key leaders within a sector, increasing their leadership skillfulness, and encouraging more connection among these leaders, with the vision of having a expanded, collective impact. Over the last seven years, Rockwood had replicated this model with seven other sectors, convening over 170 leaders, in partnership with twelve foundations.

In May 2012, Rockwood invited Leadership Learning Community (LLC) to assess the design, implementation, and effectiveness of its Fellowship Model in supporting individual leaders and their sectors to have greater collective influence and impact on their leadership and collective capacity within the sector.  Review the methodology, findings and recommendations here:

[slideshare id=20216025&doc=rockwoodpowerpointfinalpowerpoint01313v2final-130429190748-phpapp01]

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