Reproductive Health, Rights, & Justice Fellowship Nominations

Nomination Criteria

The ideal candidates for Rockwood’s Fellowship for Leaders in Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice:

  • Actively participate in the US reproductive health, rights, and justice movement
  • Are recognized as “key influencers” and/or serve in a leadership role within their organization or group
  • Are committed to building partnership and collaboration across the reproductive health, rights, and justice movement
  • Possess a personal and professional readiness to learn new leadership skills
  • Represent a diversity of racial/ethnic communities, change strategies, and geographic foci (national, state, and local) particularly including leaders in the Southeastern US
  • Commit to full participation in the program, including attendance at all three retreats, completing required pre and post-retreat work and engaging in peer and professional coaching

Nominate a Leader

The deadline to nominate yourself or a colleague is Thursday, November 4. Please email [email protected] for any questions.

Nominate A Leader

About This Fellowship