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Looking Back, Looking Forward: Rockwood’s Year In Review

By January 24, 2019No Comments

If 2017 was the year we were all called to leadership, 2018 was the year that called us to dream big. While we faced much of the same darkness we’ve been facing for years now, we also saw shining moments when vision became reality.

Here at Rockwood, one of our visions became a reality when we launched Couch Conversations, a monthly webinar series featuring alums from different sectors and movements discussing resilience and leadership.

Couch Conversations was a complete experiment. When we began planning it, we weren’t sure if people would be interested, but from the first conversation with Rebecca Cokley to the last one with Karen Narasaki, a lot of people tuned in – 373 people to be exact!

So what’s coming in 2019? We’re launching a podcast (want to be interviewed? send us a note!), and we’re looking at expanding our programs and curriculum in new and exciting ways that will help leaders like you change the world. Stay updated on everything new at Rockwood by subscribing to our email list.

But before we move forward, here’s a look back at Rockwood’s work in 2018:

Here’s to a fearless, purposeful, and powerful 2019!

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