National Leading from the Inside Out Yearlong Fellowship

“Rockwood’s National Leading from the Inside Out Yearlong Fellowship is the gold-standard for deep leadership training of progressive leaders, and the only resource like it in existence. If you are on the edge, do this now."

Sara El-Amine2014 Fellow

“This experience has re-shaped my sense of purpose, power and leadership in ways that will contribute immeasurably to my own life trajectory and the social justice ecosystem in which I work.”

Vivek Malhotra2014 Fellow

“The Rockwood Yearlong was the single best experience of my professional career.”

Heather McGhee2013 Fellow

Since 2003, the National Leading from the Inside Out Yearlong Fellowship, Rockwood’s innovative fellowship program for senior executive leaders, has emerged as one of the nation’s leading learning laboratories for experienced social change leaders. This advanced, invitation-only program is designed to create a dramatic shift in participants’ capacity to both lead their organizations and networks effectively, and to collaborate across the boundaries of issue area, political and organizing orientation, geography, and background. While many nonprofits have training for campaigners and organizers, there are few opportunities for established leaders to move to the highest level of personal and collective effectiveness. This fellowship is designed to help experienced leaders:

  • Create, communicate and sustain a powerful vision;
  • Inspire, align, and manage individuals and groups;
  • Ensure accountability and high performance;
  • Become more skillful at mediating conflicts;
  • Learn self-care, including the ability to manage stress and burnout;
  • Develop strategies for major organizational change;
  • Take advantage of the opportunities inherent in the diversity and complexity of an increasingly interdependent world.

The yearlong, cohort-based program includes:

  • Three five- to six-day intensive leadership retreats;
  • Individual leadership coaching sessions with a seasoned facilitator;
  • Daily practices to support and reinforce learning throughout the year;
  • Extensive access to resources, tools, and processes to use within fellows’ own organizations;
  • Personalized assignments and practices to bridge learning between sessions;
  • Ongoing support in applying the concepts and tools of the training;
  • Expert and peer coaching.

An invitation to apply to this program requires recommendation by a Yearlong Fellowship alum. Please contact [email protected] for more information about this nomination process.