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From the Network: Alums News, Job Postings, and More

By February 8, 2018February 12th, 2018No Comments

Spring has returned to the Bay Area! Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and there’s a light breeze from the Pacific Ocean (which is nice because it’s also getting warmer!).

Rockwood is blooming, too: two new staff members joined our team, and we’re hiring for two other positions. We’re also thinking a lot about the seeds we want to plant in 2018, so look out for new offerings and opportunities that may soon be coming your way.

Whatever the weather wherever you are, we hope you’re planting and sowing and maybe even harvesting the hard and important work you do out in the world. And if you’re still planning, here are 6 questions that may help.

Alum in the News

News & Inspiration

  • It’s 2018, and we need radical self-care more than ever before. Akaya Windwood, Sayra Pinto, Carlos Rojas Álvarez, and Marianna Islam were invited by the Schott Foundation for Public Education to explore what care and support can look like in coalition and movement spaces.
  • What would it look like if funders used trauma-informed principles to guide their work with nonprofits & communities?
  • Decolonize your conferences (and meetings, and brainstorm sessions, and….) with these tips & experiences from Solomé Lemma & alum organization Thousand Currents.
  • “Re-imagining a mindfulness movement that actually meets the needs of our racialized world IS a radical act”: Angela Rose Black on the disruption of systemic whiteness in the mindfulness movement.
  • If you struggle with practicing self-care, Vu Le of Nonprofit AF shares some wisdom and humor to help you reflect on why.
  • “Here’s the big picture: At a time when only 61.3 percent of Americans are white, about 84 percent of nonprofit board members are in that demographic group, along with 90 percent of nonprofit board chairs”: Kenneth Anderson Taylor shares how to fix the nonprofit board diversity problem.

Leadership Opportunities


Power of Love

Anchor yourself in the radical, transformative power of love.

Starting March 20!