About Training
What is Rockwood’s curriculum rooted in?
Our curriculum is built around six core practices—purpose, vision, partnership, resilience, performance, and personal ecology. Rockwood’s curriculum employs framing, exercises, and perspectives drawn from personal growth methodology; corporate leadership training techniques; communication and conflict resolution; management skill-building exercises; contemplative disciplines; and emotional intelligence practices.
What can I expect in a public (open enrollment) Rockwood training experience?
While every training experience is unique (see training options), the following will be true for all:
- Practice – With an ongoing commitment to learning, Rockwood focuses on practice as a way to develop the essential qualities of leadership. Group discussion, small group exercises, individual journaling, guided meditation, and deep reflection create space for you to try on, strengthen and adapt effective leadership practices.
- Emergence – We’ve learned that what emerges in training is highly dependent on who is in the room. Skilled facilitators and a diverse cohort of leaders bring their experiences to explore the how of transformative leadership. Because one of Rockwood’s priorities is racial equity, we seek a minimum of 50% Black, Indigenous, People of Color participants for every training, with the exception of affinity group trainings.
- Transformation – Our curriculum helps leaders examine and overcome their own obstacles to leadership. Rockwood’s methodology is intensively personal. It prompts depth of self-reflection, willingness to be vulnerable in a group, and openness to exchange honest feedback.
Since you will be in a diverse, multi-racial group of leaders at different levels of racial equity learning, you can expect others to explore how they show up in conversations in a variety of ways. The cohort will be an important source of support and will benefit from a range of experiences, expertise, and perspectives.
What trainings can I choose from?
- Art of Leadership (AOL) is Rockwood’s foundational training. The training is held in three different modalities, each hosting the same content, but adapted for unique experiences:
- In-Person AOL brings together a cohort of 22-28 participants at one of our host sites. This is ideal for the leader interested in taking a step back from the day-to-day in a retreat-like experience. Fees cover training materials, food and lodging, but not travel expenses.
- AOL Online brings the training to life via Zoom, with a cohort of 32-38 participants. It fosters spaciousness and meaningful connection through self-guided reflections, small-group, and whole-cohort discussions. It’s a dynamic space for leaders from all over the world to come together and experience Rockwood!
- AOL for Affinity Groups bring together a cohort with shared experiences and/or identities. Whether it be Philanthropic Leaders, Leaders of Color, or Women and Femmes of Color, each cohort is set-up to frame discussions through the lens of what is shared by participants from these affinity groups.
- Art of Navigating Change is a 2-day training to discover how to lead through ambiguity and uncertainty. You’ll be invited to bring a present-day challenge and collectively develop solutions. You’ll leave with a vision for the road ahead, and a practical tool for solving problems.
Who can attend a Rockwood training?
Rockwood’s Public Programs are open to anyone interested in personal transformation and leadership development.
With the belief that everyone has the ability to exercise heart-centered, authentic and effective leadership, our public offerings bring together people from all sectors, roles and stages of their leadership.
Our only requirement is that participants come with a willingness to expand their comfort zone through receiving and sharing feedback, engaging in honest reflection, and exploring the deep work of transformation.
Who are Rockwood’s trainers?
Our curriculum is led by trainers steeped in leadership and organizational development work. To read more about our training team, visit the Trainers page on our website.
Applying To A Training
How do I know which training is right for me?
We encourage you to review each training’s webpage and our Training Policies to help you decide which training is right for you.
When making the decision as to which training to apply to, we recommend you consider who you’d like to spend the week with and/or where you would best be able to develop your leadership. From there, consider the time zone and dates that will best support your wellness.
When is your next training?
Please view this year’s Training Schedule for a comprehensive list of our training offerings.
How can I learn about future training offerings?
We release our annual training calendar at the end of each year. You can return to the Training Schedule page then, or sign up for the Rockwood Newsletter and receive updates in your inbox!
How long is Rockwood’s application process?
It will take 10 minutes to submit your application. Please be prepared to write 3-5 sentences about your current role, training goals, and leadership.
Application review timelines vary depending on the training type, but participants can expect to receive their first update from our team within 10-12 business days after submission. Please note Rockwood is closed on Fridays.
Can my colleagues and I attend the same training?
We limit the number of enrolled participants from the same organization to 2 people for in-person trainings, and 4 people for online trainings.
We also encourage supervisors and employees to enroll in different trainings, so all can feel comfortable fully engaging in the training. But ultimately, we defer to you to make the best decision for yourself.
I am having trouble submitting my application. What should I do?
We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact Rockwood’s Public Programs team at [email protected].
Paying For A Training
How much does a Rockwood training cost?
The cost of Rockwood trainings will differ depending on the type of training and a participant’s unique situation. We use a sliding scale model as a tool for equitable access to our Public Programs. See our Fees & Policies page for details.
When are training fees due?
Payment is due 10 business days after being accepted into training. We cannot guarantee enrollment until payment is received.
View our Training Policies here.
Is there flexibility to the training fee deadline?
Yes! We offer the option to request an extension or set up a payment plan of up to three installments. Training fees must be paid in full before the start date.
To request an extension or installment plan, please contact [email protected]. In your email, include a proposed schedule of payment.
Are there any scholarships available?
Rockwood does not offer scholarships at this time. But we are working towards our goal to make trainings accessible to all, especially Black, Indigneous and People of Color across the diasporas, while ensuring the financial health and sustainability of Rockwood.
If your situation is not represented in our pricing model, please contact the Public Programs team at [email protected] with more context.
I have to request professional development funds from my organization. Do you have resources that can help me?
Yes! Feel free to link to any part of the Rockwood website or blog when explaining our offerings. To discuss our impact, reference the 2016 Learning for Action (LFA) Report, our most recent third party evaluation.
LFA found that Rockwood training alums experience increased feelings of job satisfaction and effectiveness, honed partnership skills, and a deeper understanding of their leadership style.
I’d like to raise funds to attend a Rockwood training. Do you have resources that can help me?
Yes! We are thrilled you are leaning into your community for support – you don’t have to do it alone. In 2016, Tiffany Eng, Art of Leadership Alum collaborated with us to write 4 Tips To Help You Raise Funds for Leadership Development. Reference the blog post for inspiration!
I am having trouble submitting my training fee payment. What should I do?
We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact Rockwood’s Finance team at (510) 251-2500 ext. 109 or [email protected].
How can I get a W-9 from Rockwood?
View and download Rockwood’s W-9.
Can I pay my training fee via a grant?
We determine the viability of paying your participation through foundation or grant funds on a case-by-case basis. Please be in touch with your foundation Program Officer to see if a Rockwood training is eligible for the terms of your grant. We prefer to have foundations grant funds directly to participants who then utilize those funds to enroll in our trainings. If a foundation would like to pay for your tuition through a grant directly to Rockwood, please be in touch with us at [email protected].
My organization would like to sponsor a number of our staff through Rockwood a training. Do you offer group rates?
At this time, we do not offer group discount rates. We appreciate being considered a resource, and thank you for your understanding.
Transferring/Withdrawing From A Training
I am no longer able to attend my training. What should I do?
We want to be as supportive as possible while ensuring the financial health and sustainability of Rockwood.
Your options for transferring or withdrawing will depend on the type of training you are enrolled in and when you are submitting your request. Please review our Fees & Policies for details.
I want to transfer to a training course with a different training fee - can I do that?
Yes! For details and instructions on how to submit your request, review our Transfer Withdraw Policies.
Any difference in training fee will be calculated by the Rockwood team and confirmed with you. Amended invoices and/or reimbursements will be processed by our Finance Team before the start of training.
I have already completed my 360 Survey and want to transfer - do I need to do it again?
It’s unlikely. All enrollment materials, including the 360 Leadership Survey will transfer with you.
If you’ve completed your survey within the last year, and trust that it reflects your current leadership, there is nothing more to do. If, on the other hand, your survey no longer reflects your journey, we can support you in submitting new materials as needed. Reach out to [email protected] for support.
My organization sponsored a participant’s enrollment. Since then, they’ve left the organization and will no longer attend training. What can I do?
You have two options, you can withdraw their enrollment or transfer enrollment to another one of your staff members. Please note, all participants must submit a Rockwood application before enrolling, and will be notified of enrollment and withdraw decisions pertaining to their application.
For details and instructions on how to submit your request, review our Transfer Withdraw Policies.