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PurposeRockwood POP Quiz

Rockwood POP Quiz: Leslie Sholl Jaffe

By April 4, 2013September 24th, 2019One Comment

Leslie Sholl Jaffe Rockwood Leadership Institute blog Rockwood trainer Leslie Sholl Jaffe has more than 24 years experience as a consultant and trainer across a broad spectrum of businesses and non-profit organizations, as well as six years as an executive director. Her work creates environments that enable people to transform their lives and achieve results. Her expertise is in leadership development, curriculum design and facilitation; effective communication; meeting facilitation; and coaching for personal and professional development. Leslie will be co-leading Rockwood’s Art of Leadership training in California June 3-7, 3013. For a complete list of Rockwood trainings, click here.

1. A more apt title for my position: Fairy God-Mother

2. Rockwood =  an opportunity for amazing people to learn, laugh, cry, dance, walk and talk together to change themselves and the world for the better

3. Three words that describe me as a leader: focused, results (and) love

4. Collaboration means… talking about it then doing it my way (JUST KIDDING) – lifting up all of the voices so that the best path is discovered, not just the loudest or most dominant

5. My Purpose secret practice: drawing any angel card every morning before a training and asking for the blessing it brings for our work that day

6. These days, I’m inspired by: spring/renewal, and the color green which is popping out all over (at least here in Austin TX)

7. The best thing about being a Rockwood trainer: Come on – really? Rockwood trainings are like grown-up camp (minus the horses and the swimming and the camping out, etc.). Anyone who has ever been in a Rockwood training knows that Rockwood trainers have the best job in the world!


The Rockwood Pop quiz is a quick way to catch up with leaders in our network. Email us if you’d like to take the pop quiz and be featured on our blog.

One Comment

  • sharon says:

    I can attest to the magic of #5 above. Before a training, Leslie and I pulled “soltar” — Spanish for “let go.” it turned out the training was logistically, well, not up to our standards of excellence I will say. Missing workbooks and materials, odd-shaped training room, things like that. Breathing in and out “soltar” helped both of us release attachment to the idea of perfection, and go with what is! And it was wonderful. LOVE YOU LESLIE!

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