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Steadfast and Unapologetic

By December 1, 2017No Comments
Photo Credit: Neeta Lind Flickr via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Neeta Lind

This year has been one of profound learning and deep engagement in the fight to ensure that justice, equality, and civility prevail. Many of us have been on the front lines, taking to the streets to show in no uncertain terms who we are and what we stand for. We have started the long trek toward making sure the hate-filled rhetoric heard during the election will not play out as planned, and we show no signs of stopping.

There have been many moments of powerful protest this year – the Women’s Marches, Take A Knee, the Dakota Access Pipeline, the Day Without Immigrants, and St. Louis, just to name a few – but there was one I will never forget.

I was at the San Francisco Airport earlier this year when over 1,000 people showed up to protest the executive order banning Muslims from certain countries from traveling to the U.S. All around the country, protesters and protectors showed up in droves at airports to rally against religion being used to determine whether or not a person could enter our country and travel within it safely. It was an extraordinary act of courage, advocacy, and civil disobedience that displayed our resilience and determination. That moment and countless others throughout this year serve as beautiful and powerful reminders that when we come together, we can move steadfastly and unapologetically toward action.

A central focus at Rockwood is to support and nurture those at the forefront of this work. We help leaders hone their practices, or begin their practices anew, to build up their resilience and personal and collective ecology for the long haul. This gives me a unique vantage point to view the work of our alums every day, and I see all of you changing our world for the better.

This year has shown me that we are resilient, we have strength and fortitude, and most importantly, we can and will move this country to a new place of freedom. Knowing this, seeing your work, and hearing your visions for that future fills my heart with appreciation for each and every one of you.

Thank you, Rockwood alums and those who’ve fought alongside you. You make this country! And that gives me great hope for our collective future.



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