Welcome & Overview

Welcome to Rockwood’s Virtual Art of Leadership! This page contains information to orient you to this course. Please read the following thoroughly.

Additionally, once you have read this page in its entirety please affirm your commitment to this course here.

Message from Darlene Nipper

Navigating This Course

This 6-week course will explore a number of approaches to support you in your ongoing learning and development as an effective, collaborative, inclusive, self-aware and service-oriented leader.  Each week we will dive into a different area of practice, from connecting to purpose to balancing one’s personal ecology.  Much of the work in this course requires that you spend at least half of your time learning asynchronously – self-paced, and on your own time, in advance of each live group session.  This will include completing worksheets, journaling, reading, watching videos and sometimes doing off-line practice with others. In our live sessions, you will be sharpening skills and tapping into the collective wisdom of the group through presentations, verbal and written reflection, and partner or small group work.

Each week, your starting place will be in Slack, where you will find a new announcement when you log in for instructions for the week.

If you need to miss a live session, please let us know by sending a quick note to [email protected].


Your personal workbook will be your learning companion throughout this course and can be found in the “Workbook” link on the menu to the right.

Pre-Session Work

Each week, you will be asked to read, watch, or do several things before the beginning of each live session. These instructions are included on the webpages labeled by week on the right and in Slack. Please review this carefully: there is almost always one “essential” piece of work that you must do prior to the session, on your own time, in order to partner effectively with your peers, as the live work will be used to debrief and reflect on that experience when we are together.

Tech Support & Questions

This training will use Zoom for live meetings, Slack for non-live discussion, and Calendly to schedule 1:1 session with trainers. If you’re not familiar with any of these tools, here are resources to help you:

Zoom 101 | Slack 101 | Calendly 101

Before The First Zoom Session:

  • Please be sure to install the latest release of Zoom on your computer in advance of the training, and review these Zoom meeting best practices. Please plan to log into the Zoom meeting each week a few minutes early so that the training can start on time.
  • You should have received an invite to the Slack channel for your cohort. Please log into Slack and familiarize yourself with it before the training begins.
  • Make sure you have a strong internet connection for the Zoom meetings. Ethernet connection is highly recommended over Wi-Fi where possible. Click here to check the strength of your internet connection.

For technical support throughout the training, please email your questions to [email protected].

If you have any other questions, please email us at [email protected].

Your Commitment as a Learner

We request that all AOL participants attend all facilitated live discussions regularly and arrive at the start of the session.  If you are absent for more than 20% of the live discussion time, you will need to withdraw.  We will work with you to determine if you want to find another set of dates for participating in the AOL.

If you are more than 15 minutes late for the start of a session or leave the live session before the last 15 minutes of the session on three or more instances, that is counted as an absence. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns about these commitments.

Participant commitment required

Approximately 4 hours a week, including 2.5 hours of real-time, live group webinars per week, (with two additional sessions in Week 1), plus 2-3 hours of individual asynchronous work (readings, video-watching, journaling, worksheets)

Live work includes:

  • Being fully present for a 2.5 hour interactive webinar with 1-2 trainers and approx. 30 participants. This would include presentations by the trainers, offering questions and comments in the chat, and participating in breakout groups of 3-5 people

Asynchronous work includes:

  1. Watching: watching 1-2 weekly trainer videos (5-15 min each) setting the context, linking that week’s topics to current events/issues, introducing key concepts and frameworks, and giving instructions for the work that week
  2. Reading: short articles/text
  3. Writing: competing worksheets; some solo journaling
  4. Participating: reading and responding to specific questions posed by the trainers, responding to others and building on others’ ideas on the shared dialogue discussion forum
  5. Scheduling and meeting virtually (phone or Zoom) with 1-2 assigned partners in similar time zones for a a longer discussion or exercise (eg. Courageous Conversation practice mid-way through the course. We will send you further instructions closer to the times, or POP coaching)

Please affirm your commitment to this course here.

Organizing Your Week

Learning Vehicles

All or some of these can be used for each component of the curriculum:



Participant Weekly Flow

Sun- TuesWedThurs-Sat
  • Log into Slack and read weekly announcements and see pre-session work
  • Complete pre-session work including watching videos, reading and completing worksheets in your workbook
  • Join Live Session Calls via Zoom (2 hours)
  • Complete weekly reflection in participant workbook and other post-session work, including posting to Slack.
Throughout the week, please schedule:

  • 1-2 hours at the beginning of the week and again at the end of the week to complete the coursework.
  • Please remember to schedule your one-on-one 20 minute session with a trainer during their individual office hours (optional throughout the duration of the six weeks).

If you have not done so, please affirm your commitment to this course here, then proceed to “Week 1 – Purpose” to begin the pre-work for our first session.