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Echoing Justice: How to Win the Framing Wars of the 21st Century

By March 20, 2013September 26th, 2019One Comment

Rockwood blog Karlos Gauna Schmieder In a media environment dominated by stereotypes and special interests, network-driven communications strategies powered by grassroots organizing are more vital than ever.

At Center for Media Justice, we believe the power to communicate and fight for a better future should belong to everyone. That’s why we created Echoing Justice: Communications Strategies for Community Organizing in the 21st Century. We hope that every time a media story marginalizes the voices of advocates and organizers for justice – whether it’s about healthcare, housing, worker organizing and jobs, or the environment– this resource will come to mind.

Please check out Echoing Justice (below), or click this link to read Echoing Justice. And then share it with your networks. Be a part of the conversation on narrative strategy, infrastructure, and resources to win the framing contests of the 21st century.

How could “Echoing Justice” be used in your community or your movement? Please let us know in the Comments section below.


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