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From the Network: Alum News, Job Postings, and More

By April 12, 2018May 1st, 2018No Comments
Portrait from the bridge of the nose up of a Black woman in flower crown.

Photo by Autumn Goodman


Alums in the News

News & Inspiration

  • “My friends and I might still be 11 and we might still be in elementary school, but we know. We know life isn’t equal for everyone and we know what is right and wrong”: If you haven’t seen if yet, check out Naomi Wadler’s speech from the March For Our Lives.
  • “Practice: Question any strategies that don’t account for care. Especially when such strategies are housed in the work of reforming existing oppression, making it slightly less harmful. That is not care, it’s complicity”: adrienne maree brown shares some life-giving wisdom in this beautiful piece.
  • “When we slow down we attend to different power dynamics. Power is all around us and use of time is one way power shows up”: Fakequity shares how slowing down to make space for connection can help create equity.

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