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American Express
Leadership Academy at Rockwood

Transform yourself and your leadership wherever you are

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Unlock Joyous and Effective Leadership, at Your Own pace

For 20 years, Rockwood has provided transformative leadership development training to over 7,000 social change leaders and activists all over the world. Now, we’ve adapted and updated that curriculum to allow you to experience “Rockwood magic” online.

Based on the Art of Leadership, these virtual trainings combine self-paced reading and reflection, live facilitated discussions, and small group interaction to help you explore and expand your capacity to inspire and align others.

Rockwood’s virtual trainings will provide you with…

Concrete Learnings

Learn and practice key skills, like having difficult conversations, dealing with stress and challenging emotions, partnering with others across issue areas, and planning for large and small projects

Space to Slow Down

Allow yourself to be completely present and focused on connecting with yourself and your work, while in a caring, supportive community.

Supportive Community

You are not alone. Connect deeply with people in your movement, in other issue areas, even outside of the nonprofit sector, and leave with a new definition of community.

Training Details

To foster deep learning within an online setting, the Virtual Art of Leadership blends various modalities to allow you to engage with your own inner wisdom, the material, and with other leaders.  In addition, we offer two formats so you can find a training that works best for your schedule. Both formats include live facilitation via Zoom, self-paced work like personal journaling/reflection and solo reading, discussion forum participation, and pair/small group work to connect and build community with those in your cohort.

The 5-day VAOL takes place over the course of a single week. Each day includes a 2-hour live Zoom session, a 1-hour break, and a 2.5-hour live Zoom session.

Currently, we have 5-Day VAOLs on Eastern Standard Time, Central Time, and Pacific Standard Time. You can download a detailed agenda for those formats below:

Please note that these schedules are subject to change as we continue to respond to the needs brought on by COVID-19 and prioritize the health and wellness of participants.

What People Say About The Art Of Leadership

My experience with the Rockwood Art of Leadership Institute was nothing short of amazing. I have built a community with my fellow participants; the feedback, questions, and insights from this community have given me a space to build from as I grow into a more intentional and impactful leader. I expected to grow as an individual, but I am also leaving feeling more connected to others and seeing the power within all of us.

Cecily Nelson-AlfordUC Davis Women's Resources and Research Center

The Virtual Art of Leadership provided me with concepts, information, and tools to clarify my purpose and vision... so I can operate from power that I have. I was also enriched by connecting with so many strong and wise people working on important challenges.

Christine FletcherThe Inner Activist

Rockwood re-grounded me in why I do this work and HOW I want to be doing it, even in times of unprecedented external urgency.

Regina ClementeMovement Voter Project

Rockwood created a safe space to dream about what it would look like if I was fully committed to my own well being and for that I am beyond grateful.

Alison CorwinLife Coach

I’m convinced that these are the leadership skills that are needed to lead us to more powerful and interconnected movements for social justice.

Ellen LiuMs. Foundation for Women

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the criteria for the American Express Leadership Academy Virtual Art of Leadership?

Over the years, we’ve learned that Rockwood participants have the most valuable experience when they can make the personal and time commitment from the start. To be eligible for this program, participants must be able to attend a virtual training December 6-10, 2021 from 10AM ET to 4PM ET every day.  Please note, this program will be in English.

Other selection criteria include:

Organization Criteria: Youth development organization that are a 501c3 or equivalent for international organizations. *We may be open to inviting organizations who are not established 501c3; we will review those organization on a case-by-case basis.

Individual Criteria: Participants have the most valuable experience when they can make the personal and time commitment from the start. To be eligible for this program, participants must be able to attend a virtual training December 6th – 10th, 2021 from 10AM ET – 4PM ET each day in English. Selection criteria include:

  • Works for a 501c3 nonprofit organization or equivalent
  • Staff or graduate of youth development organization
  • Emerging leader who is looking to take on more of a leadership role in the next 5-10 years.
  • Possess a personal and professional readiness to learn new leadership skills
  • Interested in participating in a learning experience to explore their vision, increase their sustainability, and build relationships with other leaders
  • Demonstrated commitment to improving the wellbeing of people in their communities
  • Represent a meaningful cross-section of professional backgrounds, experiences, and sectors
  • Commitment to full participation in the program, including attendance at all five days of the Art of Leadership program, completing required pre-retreat work, post-training evaluation, and engaging in 1:1 executive coaching

American Express seeks to create a diverse cohort of high-potential leaders who are dedicated to a career in the youth development field. 

When will the Academy take place?

The virtual session will happen December 6th – 10th, 2021, 10AM-4PM

Where is the Academy held?

The Academy will be 100% virtual.

What are the tech requirements to participate?

For the best program experience, participants should have stable internet connection; a computer (preferred) and/or supported tablet or mobile device; a microphone and headset; and a webcam.

Will live sessions be recorded?

Our hope is that all participants will attend live; however, we understand that life happens. While live sessions will not be recorded for the confidentiality of our participants, participants who are unable to attend any live portion may schedule office hours with one of our trainers to review what was missed.  Please do not apply if you have a conflicting engagement during the program dates: December 6-10, 2021.

Who can I contact with questions?

If you have any questions, please contact

Is the Rockwood Academy program available internationally?

Yes.  The program is available to any youth development leader who is available during the program times and is fluent in English.

When will applicants be notified of their program acceptance?

Participants will hear back by November 8, 2021

Will there be pre-work?

Yes, the pre-work will include completing a 360 degree leadership evaluation and two readings and require participants to spend approximately 2 hours on pre-work.

Will participants need to take time off work?

If a candidate from your organization is accepted into the Academy, we encourage the candidates employer to provide the candidate with time off during the length of the program versus asking them to take vacation time.  This is a rigorous program; participants cannot work at the same time.  If you are an applicant, we encourage you to ask your employer to provide time off as a development opportunity.

What are important dates and deadlines to take note of?

Application closes on October 29th, 2021.

Participants notified by November 8, 2021

How likely am I to get accepted into the program?

The process is competitive.  We will accept 25 individuals into the program, as well as up to five individuals who will serve as alternates.

What does it mean to be selected as an alternate?

Alternates are “on call” until November 15th In the event that an accepted participant drops out, alternates will be contact to join the program in December.  If all participants attend in December, alternates will be given the opportunity to attend another American Express Leadership Academy.  Please note, alternates may be invited to attend a program with another Academy partner.  Also, the program may be for a range of nonprofit leaders versus youth development leaders.

Ready to start your
leadership journey?

If you need support in deciding if this is the best fit for you, or have any questions, please contact