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From The Network: Alum News, Job Postings, Inspiration, & More

By August 6, 2020No Comments

Photo by Raphael Biscaldi


Summer is often a slower time at Rockwood. July is usually free of trainings, and it also happens to be when we hold our annual One Rockwood retreat to bring together staff, board, and trainers for community-building and visioning.

Of course, summer looks very different this year, for a variety of reasons. We’re still all working from home and we canceled the retreat. We also launched the first Virtual Art of Leadership and shifted our fellowships from in-person to virtual.

But while this summer (well, this year) has been different, one thing has remained the same: Rockwood’s commitment to self-care and collective well-being. In fact, as part of our response to how drastically all our lives have changed this year, we’ve deepened our values around taking care of ourselves and each other by increasing vacation time and giving all our staff an extra week off between June and September.

We’ve had several people reach out to us and share that COVID-19 has changed the way they and their staff are working, and ask for resources on centering care and joy in their organizations. Here’s what we have to share:

If you just need something to get your body moving and have some fun, try a Rockwood dance break.

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