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VIDEO: Looking Back & Looking Forward

By December 21, 2017No Comments

Of all the things we’ll remember from 2017, there is no question that this was a year in which many people were called to leadership. Within their communities, homes, countries, and workplaces, leaders rose to meet the challenges thrown at them, and stood up for freedom, equity, and liberation.

President Akaya Windwood and CEO Darlene Nipper sat down together to look back on how that changed leadership in 2017, and how it shapes what we’re focusing on for 2018:

Rockwood also had several achievements we celebrated this year:

Last but not least, we celebrated the incredible work Rockwood alums are doing out in the world, and had a few very popular posts:

Thank you all so much for your leadership this year, and we look forward to standing beside you in 2018.


Have a warm & wonderful new year,

The staff, board, & trainers of Rockwood Leadership Institute

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